This Code of Conduct applies to all people involved in any way with the sport of hockey in Ireland, including playing in Ireland or representing Ireland away from home.


The following standard of behaviour is expected of any person involved in any way with the sport of hockey in Ireland:

  • Conduct themselves in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect their own safety and the safety of others.
  • Never use foul or abusive language or gestures.
  • Never use physical abuse or threatening or intimidating behaviour.
  • Respect the spirit of fair play.
  • Respect the rights of others, including umpires, officials, team management, other players and spectators.
  • Be ethical, considerate, fair and honest and promote the reputation of hockey and take all possible steps to prevent it from being brought into disrepute.
  • Urinating at the side of the pitch is not acceptable behaviour.
  • Abide by the Code of Ethics and other good practice guidelines and policies issued by Hockey Ireland.


Failure to abide by these minimum standards may be considered a Disrepute Offence and will be dealt with by the Hockey Ireland Board in accordance with the discipline rules contained in the Hockey Ireland Bye-Laws.



This Code of Conduct applies to all clubs, schools, colleges, and branches involved in hockey in Ireland, whether playing in Ireland or representing Ireland away from home.

  • It is the responsibility of clubs, schools, colleges and branches to regulate the behaviour of their players, officials, members and spectators.
  • Each participating club or organisation entering an Irish Hockey Competition shall have an established internal disciplinary procedure to deal with SERIOUS DISORDERLY, ABUSIVE, OFFENSIVE OR IMPROPER behaviour by players, officials, members and spectators prior to, during and after any Irish Hockey Competition match or event. This extends to behaviour toward umpires, officials, members of Irish Hockey staff or representatives.
  • Any behaviour that does not meet the minimum standard of behaviour outlined below which is reported to Hockey Ireland, may be considered as a Disrepute Offence and will be dealt with by the Hockey Ireland Management Board in accordance with the discipline rules contained in the Hockey Ireland Bye-Laws.



All Hockey Clubs and Organisations are expected to behave in an appropriate and sporting manner, which includes the following:

  • Respect the spirit of fair play, by participating within the rules and regulations of the game.
  • Respect the rights of others, by not publicly criticising umpires or officials and by showing an appreciation for volunteers
  • Support all efforts to remove foul or abusive language and unsporting behaviour, and not tolerate it from players, officials, team management or supporters.
  • Protect those involved in the game from verbal, physical or emotional abuse and threatening, hateful or intimidating behaviour.
  • Conduct themselves in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect their own safety and the safety of others, including the safety of each participant.
  • Promote the reputation of hockey and take all possible steps to prevent it from being brought into disrepute.
  • Abide by the Code of Ethics and other good practice guidelines and policies issued by Hockey Ireland.
  • Take responsibility to ensure that the Club or Organisation is suitably insured for their activities.
  • Commit to the core values of the game; respect, inclusivity, and integrity, and behave in a manner that avoids bringing Hockey in any way into disrepute.

Hockey Ireland Code of Conduct 3.20 for display